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Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw

Chitin Helm Glass Helm Netch Leather Helm Nordic Fur Helm Dreugh Helm Imperial Chain Coif Imperial Dragonscale Helm Gondolier's Helm Imperial Silver Helmet (?) Imperial Steel Helmet Imperial Templar Helmet Nordic Trollbone Helm Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw. Jan 18, 2013  How to get: Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw (TES III Morrowind) - Duration: 15:19. Imperatia 881 views. Mix Play all Mix - SaioTV YouTube; Was Oblivion as good as I remember?

The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
  • R/skywind: Bringing Morrowind to Skyrim. Skywind is a full ground-up recreation of The Elder Scrolls III in Skyrim's engine, telling the same.
  • It's meant for the Bloodworm helm, but if you rename the nif appropriately, it can be used for the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw too.
  • Sep 11, 2018  helm of Oreyn Bearclaw is an ingame thing and character name. @dwemerpaleologist I dont believe you ever actually meet Oreyn Bearclaw in any of the TES games. You definitely find his helm a few times, and you meet one of his descendants, Modryn Oreyn in Oblivion, but they are not even the same race (bearclaw was a Bosmer, Modryn was a dunmer.
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  • 2Detailed Walkthrough
End the bloodline of a false hero.
Quest Giver:Malacath at Assurdirapal
Location(s):Vivec, Gnaar Mok, Bitter Coast
Reward:Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw
Malacath's statue in Assurdirapal

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

Morrowind helm of oreyn bearclaw

Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw Replacer

  1. Talk to Malacath's Statue at the shrine of Assurdirapal.
  2. Travel to Gnaar Mok and slay Farvyn Oreyn.
  3. Return to Malacath's Statue and receive Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw as your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Malacath's Request[edit]

The shrine is located in Assurdirapal in the Sheogorad region on the long island west of Dagon Fel (just west of the Sanctus Shrine island).


Talk to Malacath and he will tell you a story about an elven hero by the name of Oreyn Bearclaw. Actually, he is no hero at all but was falsely credited with the deeds done by his friend, an Orc named Kharag Gro-Khar. Malacath wants you to destroy Bearclaw's legend by killing the last of his bloodline. If you do, you will receive the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw as your reward.

Killing the False Hero[edit]

Farvyn Oreyn and his bodyguards

Head toward Vivec as suggested by Malacath to begin your search for the descendant. You should be able to find out that the last of Bearclaw's line is Farvyn Oreyn and that you can find him near Gnaar Mok. Ask some townsfolk to find out where he is, south of town. You will find him clad in Dwemer armor and in the company of two bodyguards. If you talk to him, he will freely admit that the legend of Oreyn Bearclaw is a falsehood. Telling him you have come from Malacath, or promising to keep the truth a secret will result in him and his guards attacking you. Farvyn is fairly easy to kill, but his two bodyguards are not, so be careful. Once you have killed him, return to the shrine to pick up your reward.

Disney scene it 3rd edition. The expansion packs do come with carded questions (I forgot about those!). You could 'play' in the sense that you could watch the scenes and try and answer the questions, but there would be no board to move around on.The game is sort of like Trivial Pursuit in that there are various categories of questions, and you answer according to where you land or what you choose (sometimes you get to choose the category). There are also options for 'All Play' for everyone to guess the answer to the scene on the screen.

Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw


  • Farvyn is actually not the last of his bloodline, as you'll discover in Oblivion. Modryn Oreyn, second-in-command of the Fighters Guild in Chorrol, is also a descendant, and states that the helm was returned to him by a stranger from Morrowind.
  • The two dead Bull Netch near Farvyn Oreyn and his guards have unusually-large touch boxes, which may prevent you from looting the bodies. Lure Oreyn and his guards well away from the Netch before killing them if you want their gear. Also you can remove the Netch corpses opening the console, clicking on the Netch, typing 'Disable' (without quotes) and pressing enter.

Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw

Morrowind Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Quest_ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal Console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Helm Of Oreyn Bearclaw Skyrim

Malacath's Quest (DA_Malacath)
IndexFinishes QuestJournal Entry
10I entered the shrine of Malacath and summoned the Daedra. He spoke to me of a helm of great power, once belonging to the elven hero Oreyn Bearclaw. In reality, he was no hero, though. The deeds attributed to him were actually performed by an orc, Kharag gro-Khar. If I can find the last of the Oreyn family bloodline, and kill him, I will be rewarded with the helm.
20The Oreyn name is widely known. It seems the only surviving member of the clan is Farvyn Oreyn, who takes his residence in Vivec
30The people of Vivec have told me that Farvyn Oreyn is a powerful battlemage, and is often surrounded by his entourage of servants. He is, however, not in town. He has been carrying on the traditions of the Oreyn family, and it is rumored he was heading toward Gnaar Mok.
40The people of Gnaar Mok have said that Farvyn Oreyn is in the area. He and his servants were heading out to an island to kill some of the netch that had been plaguing the area.
50I have spoken with Farvyn Oreyn. He denied nothing about the false tales of heroism told about his ancestor. Looking at him, he seems unimpressive. His 'servants,' on the other hand, are far from it.
60I have killed Farvyn Oreyn. He was, as I suspected, remarkably weak for one of such a 'distinguished' bloodline. His guards were, however, as strong as they looked.
70I've returned to the shrine of Malacath, who already knew of my success in killing Farvyn Oreyn. Malacath was as good as his word, and I now have the Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw in my possession. It is a fantastic helm, misnamed though it may be.
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